The right protection for you, your family and your business.

Our team will help, support, and guide you to ensure you, your family and your business are adequately protected to weather the storms life occasionally throws our way. Change is a constant and protecting your future today may be quite different 10 years from now.
Our team are passionate about protecting their clients and form lifelong relationships with their clients and will make the necessary adjustments to ensure you are well protected and not paying for cover you don’t need.

Life insurance.

Home family Couch

Whether you have Life Cover or Life Income Cover, both will pay out if you become terminally ill or upon your death. Life Covers (and Terminal Illness Cover), however, pays out a single, one-off sum, which you may wish to be used for funeral expenses or by loved ones to pay off the mortgage or to create an education fund for the kids. Life Income Cover, on the other hand, pays a regular monthly amount for a set number of years, so in this way it works to replace the regular income lost. 

Book your free appointment here