The future looks brighter when you’re protected.

We’re here to make sure that you and your loved ones are all properly protected no matter what life throws your way. What recent global events have taught us all is just how hard the future is to predict. So, your insurance needs today may be quite different a decade on from now.

At Vega, what we care most about is protecting our clients. We make the necessary adjustments whenever needed to ensure you are well protected and only paying for the cover you need and none that you don’t.

Life Insurance.

Home family Couch

Life Cover and Life Income Cover both pay out if you pass away or become terminally ill. Terminal Illness and Life covers pay out a one-off sum, which can be used to create an investment fund to generate income, to reduce debt, such as a mortgage, or to leave money behind for a specific cause such as funding future tertiary education for children, paying final costs such as funeral expenses, or to leave a bequeathment. Life Income Cover pays a regular monthly benefit for a set number of years, which can be used to directly replace the income of the family member who has passed away.

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